Bringing YOU back ALIVE!

In order to be successful you need to become a better YOU. How? Start by eliminating liabilities, eliminating close minded people, and read books.

What are liabilities? Liabilities are the unnecessary. Bad habits are considered a liability because they consume most of your time.

  1. Track your life for one week and look at what you spend your most time in. This will give you an idea of what you need to stop doing and what you can start doing.
  2. Look at your expenses. Make a list and get rid of all the subscriptions you do not really use.
  3. Your expenses will also show you why you are in debt.
  4. Bad habits can be eliminated. The book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear is an amazing book! This will give you the step by step on how to break and create new habits.

What is the secret to happiness? Surround your self with people who want to be around you not those who tolerate you. People who tolerate you will eventually get tired of you. Those who want to be around you will find all the possible ways to hang out or spend some time with you. They will also be the same people who will either be a part of or a reason for your success.

BOOKS!! Books are the reasons so many people are successful. I use to hate reading and would always tell myself that reading was a waste of time. However, I challenged myself for 1 whole year force my self in a book. I had good days, bad days and HORRIBLE days because I hated reading!! Now I love reading! Books give all the secrets on how to be successful! If you are looking for the secret to life the answer is BOOKS.