
Life is meant to change. If it hasn’t then you are falling behind. 

We tend to get comfortable. We go to work, come home, eat, hang out, shower, and lastly sleep. We get our paycheck, pay our bills, and go back to work. We set up appointments, we hang out with friends and we plan trips all based on our “off” days.  This routine, for many people feels safe, comfortable, and normal. However, this routine is very dangerous. No job is promised to last forever. 

As the world changes the economy changes. When the economy changes our lives change. 

Regardless if you’re ready or not, your life gets disrupted. If you are not prepared, good luck.

How do you prepare?

  • Learn new skills.
  • Find new hobbies
  • Read different books.
  • Meet different people. 
  • Visit different places. 
  • Join different clubs. 

When you do these different things you provide yourself with access to many different opportunities. So when one door closes you’re ready to open a different door. 

Life is meant to change. You are meant to change.