Who Am I?

This question crosses my mind at least twice every day. As a 25-year old you would think that I have it all together. This is the age where everyone around me has their life together. They have the car, the career, the home and the family. They brag about it everyday on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch..etc.. Every post or story is about how they have the next big thing.

My limited SUV is the perfect car! I have a bachelors degree from a university. My career pays me a good salary. My wife is the most beautiful women in the universe and my son is the most handsome ever! My home feels like it needs an upgrade. BUT..most of all my life needs an upgrade.

People tell me saying my life needs an upgrade is insulting to my wife. Others say the bachelors degree was the best investment and decision I have ever made. People say they are glad to have me as a friend because I have everything life says you are suppose to have. They said I did life the right way. To me I feel…..depressed.

I HATE the 9-5 routine. I feel bad for my wife who has to work. Poor son he has to hang around others who are not his parents while his parents work. Home is suppose to feel like home but I am hardly ever present. So…who am I?

I am the DAD OF THE YEAR. How? I figure the best way to fix the issues in the last paragraph is to move lanes and to take the road of entrepreneurship. The best way to get started is with FINANCIAL LITERATURE. This has so far solved all my issues. I have learned to save, create passive income, get rid of liabilities, invest and most importantly become rich.